UNGC's Executive Director Lisa Kingo, left, joins Terry Jennings, Joseph Thompson and Tania Coste Cosentino at the United Nations SDG Media Zone after Terry, Joseph and Tania were selected as 2017 SDG Pioneers.
United Nations Global Compact
The B4ROL spark, which started our partnership with United Nations Global Compact, was ignited when LexisNexis presented a Rule of Law award to then-UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. When the Secretary-General heard about the 10 principles formed by LexisNexis, the Secretary-General pledged to bring UNGC support to these principles to develop a robust, working framework for businesses on the rule of law with global input.
The resulting B4ROL Framework reflected the insights obtained through 21 global working groups across 19 countries with input of over 400 individual government, legal, judicial, academic, business and civil society actors. The B4ROL Framework outlines the standards that business can take to respect and support the rule of law, including definitions, the business case, practical examples and guidance to get started.
LexisNexis has worked to help educate government, civil society and the business community on the ways that business can help to advance the rule of law. These activities include collaborative work through the United Nations Rule of Law Steering Committee to help set the UN Sustainable Development Goals and SDG 16 in motion and the Steering Committee for UN Global Alliance on Reporting Progress on Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies which seeks to provide Member States the tools and resources needed to report progress on SDG 16 and other SDGs which have a firm basis in peace, justice and inclusion.
LexisNexis is a founding supporter of UNGC’s Action Platform on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions which will provide global business standards to efforts toward understanding, implementing and reporting on business engagements related to SDG 16. As the world continues its work toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, LexisNexis will continue its partnerships with UNGC and other UN entities which seek to advance the elements of the rule of law and measure progress on the same.